Home > F.A.Q
1. What is EndExam practice exam detail?
EndExam practice exam contains simulated exam questions with the most accurate answers. With our practice exam you should be able to pass the certification exam. More information can be found on our products page.
2. Can I pass an exam with EndExam practice exam only?
Yes, it is possible.
3. Are your updates free ?
After you buy our products, we will offer free update in one year. After one year, you need to repurchase it.
4. Is it possible to extend the update period of an expired product?
Expired products can be repurchased at 50% discount.
5. How often are your products updated?
Our products are reviewed and updated on a continuous basis. The certification vendors often change the skills being tested in the exams, so we frequently change our study guides to accurately reflect the current exams.
6. How do I know that there has been an update?
There are several ways:
Date of latest release can also be found on the products page.You can also click our livesupport to inquire it.
EndExam also sends out information on updates on a regular basis in EndExam newsletter, usually once every two weeks. Registered EndExam users receive the Newsletter.
In general, you should always check for a new update 3-4 days before you plan to take the exam.
7. Your products sound interesting, but I'd like to try before I buy. Do you have any demos?
Yes, we have. We provide free demo on our product pages. Besides, you can also send e-mail via sales(at)EndExam.com and state which sample you would like to receive.
8. I want a sample of another EndExam product. Is this possible
Yes, we can provide samples of all our products. Just mail your sample request to sales(at)EndExam.com and you will reveive any sample you want promptly.
9. What is the quality of the EndExam products?
Our products cover almost all the knowledge points in the training materials.
10. How is the quality of the EndExam products achieved?
EndExam experts, íncluding Symantec,IBM,Comptia,HP,CCNP,etc. verify the answers and provide explanations. We also receive customer feedback on our products. So, we constantly have to review our products. This guarantees a high quality.
We also receive customer feedback on our products. So, we constantly have to review our products. This guarantees a high quality.
11. I think I have found an incorrect answer in one of your products/I don’t understand one of questions/One of the questions seems incorrect. What should I do?
Feedback on specific questions should be send to sales(at)EndExam.com. You should state
1. Exam code and version.
2. Question number.
3. Login ID.
We will answer your feedback promptly.

Purchase Questions

1. How do I pay for the products?
There are currently four ways to pay.
Most customers use online payment with credit card. Paypal. You can use the www.paypal.com and register an account on that website.
 If you are interested in bank wire payment, please contact support(at)EndExam.com for further instructions.
2. Do you share your customer information database with any third parties?
At EndExam we hate spam mail as much as everyone else, and we respect your right to privacy. Therefore we will never share any information about our customers with a third-party. The email you receive is only come from us, and you can inform us at anytime if you want to be removed from our mail list.
3. How do I make an online purchase?
Select the appropriate products from the EndExam products page. Add them to your shopping cart.If this is the first purchase at EndExam and you are not a registered user, you will be register yourself at EndExam.
After you complete the payment, we will send the product to you via email in time.
4. I am not able to add products to my Shopping Cart. What is wrong?
Ensure that your cookies are enabled. To be able to make online purchases at EndExam cookies must be enabled..
5. How are the goods delivered ?
After you purchase the products,we will send the products to you in 10 minutes in our working time. If it is non-working time, we will send them to you in 12 hours. Our working time is:GMT+8: Monday- Saturday 8:00-18:00 ,GMT: Monday- Saturday 0:00-10:00.
6. How do I return the products I have purchased?
As all products are delivered in digital format it is not necessary to return the goods.
7. How do I ask for a refund ?
Contact sales(at)EndExam.com
8. How do I cancel a purchase?
Contact sales(at)EndExam.com
9. How long does it take for you to respond to my emails ?
In our working time, we will send the exam to you in 10 minutes. In our non-working time, we will send the exam to you ASAP, no later than 12 hours.Our working time is:GMT+8: Monday- Saturday 8:00-18:00 ,GMT: Monday- Saturday 0:00-10:00.
10. What is certification?
The certification is your way to success. People with work experience have no way to prove that they have learned certain skills. So vendors test the the person's skills and upon passing a required test, they are awarded certain credentials. Here are just a few.
MCSE : Microsoft Certified System Engineer
MCSA : Microsoft Certified System Administrator
MCAD: Microsoft Certified Application Developer
MCSD: Micoisoft Certified Solution Developer
MCDBA : Microsoft Certified Database Administrator
CCNA : Cisco Certified Network Associate
CCNP : Cisco Certified Network Professional
A+: CompTIA Service Technician
CIW ASSOCIATE : Certified Internet Webmaster Associate